کتاب های به زبان انگلیسی و عبری

Joseph of Hamadan's Sefer Tashak : critical text edition with introduction
Jeremy Zwelling, 1975
Journal of the Pali Text Society
T W Rhys Davids, 1888
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Singh Sahib Sant Singh Khalsa
Ecce Romani : a Latin reading program
Scottish Classics Group
Threading My Way: Twenty-Seven Years of Autobiography
Robert Dale Owen, 2018
Semiotics of Virality for an Epidemiology of Meaning - Semiotica della Viralità per un__039;Epidemiologia del senso
Gabriele Marino, Mattia Thibault, 2017
I Discorsi della Fine. Catastrofi, Disastri, Apocalissi
Vincenzo idone Cassone, Bruno Surace, Mattia Thibault
Oxford Latin Dictionary (2nd edition, with OCR) 牛津拉丁语词典(第2版,已OCR)
P. G. W. Glare (ed.), 2012
A grammar of the Kannada Language
F Kittel, 1904
Lontano da Mogadiscio/Far from Mogadishu BILINGUAL EDITION
Shirin Ramzanali Fazel; Simone Brioni (ed.), 2013
First Spanish Reader - A Beginner’s Dual-Language Book
Angel Flores, 1964
Spanish Stories - A Bantam Dual-Language Book
Angel Flores, 1960
Nyangchakja (Snying lcags rgyal/ Niangjijia 娘吉加), 2016
Nature Uncovered: For the Children of Science Only, and Not for Ignorant Sophists
The Unknown Knight, 2015
The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek
Franco Montanari, 2015
Inventing Comics: A New Translation of Rudolphe Töpffer’s Reflections on Graphic Storytelling, Media Rhetorics, and Aesthetic Practice
Rudolphe Töpffer, Sergio C. Figueiredo, 2016